Our Network Monitoring Solution remotely monitors your network assets 24×7 and alerts us before things go wrong.
How often have you come into the office with a “to do” list spilling off the bottom of your screen, only to find out your email doesn’t work? You can’t print that contract that needs to be delivered to your customer by noon? You can’t retrieve that file before the big conference call?
Things like this happen every day but they are avoidable. Petrichor Group NMS Service provides you with solution to monitor the critical components of your network 24×7 and will alert you to an issue and immediately remedy the situation.
Now you know what your assets are doing or going to do at all times. Accompanied with monthly reports and SLA ‘s, this solution provides you with the piece of mind that your infrastructure is always managed, monitored, and supported. What are the benefits to your organization?
- Proactive 24×7 network monitoring
- Dramatically improved efficiency of the IT group by automated monitoring
- Immediate incident detection
- Increased incident avoidance
- Cost effective access to specialized skills
- Equalized monthly payments
This service helps you plan your I.T. budget, with a fixed monthly cost now you can have your own affordable I.T. department. With our Gold,and Silver packages, you choose which program suits your Company better.

Unit 1202, 12/F., 299QRC, 287-299 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong
Petrichor-Group.ltd is owned and operated by Petrichor Group Limited
If you have any questions, we will be glad to answer you.
Copyright © 2020 Petrichor Group.